Tuesday, September 26, 2006


204.5, 255, AND 202

204.5 Pounds – what a disappointing number. This week I reached no milestones, not 20 pounds lost or 20 to go (203 and 204 pounds respectively). My weight loss has slowed a little in the last couple of weeks down from over 2 pounds per week to closer to 1.5 pounds per week in September. Not a tremendous change but noticeable as I still weigh myself every day and frustration sets in easily if the number changes only once a week.

255 and 202 Total Cholesterol and Bad (LDL) Cholesterol Respectively. These are the numbers I FINIALLY received from my physical over 6 weeks ago. Both are very high (the numbers and the amount of time that it took to get the results back). Unfortunately or fortunately, my Triglycerides (the portion of Cholesterol effected by diet change) was relatively low a 51. This means a big change in diet is not needed, but in order to lower my LDL and Total Cholesterol medication will likely be required. So as of tomorrow there is one more number 20mg – that is 20mg of Lipitor or its generic equivalent until my LDL reaches 160.

you can do it Rob, I was close to needing meds before I lost the weight so now that the weight is gone I can avoid it for now. but in our family I know that it will not last for ever.
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