Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Past 10 days saw a plateau in my weight loss. It was for a few obvious reasons:
Two weekends ago - again another visit by an old friend from high school and a trip to Chino Latinos drinks, appetizers, and desert – I am sure that meal alone was 2500 calories.
Last week – a trip to the lovely Greenfield Iowa for three days. I have made an observation that most small towns are not big on including healthy choices at the only restaurant in town. I have noticed most small towns have a Subway – but convincing co-workers (who are eating out on their expense account) to eat at Subway is harder than loosing weight.
Last weekend – Gopher Football vs. NDSU. The stress of the Big 10’s Golden Gophers almost loosing to AA NDSU is enough to drive a man to drink and overeat.
But I am back on the strait and narrow now. Beth is working nights this week, so it is even easier to stay on course as there is very little temptation to go out to eat by myself with our little Alley. Then again this weekend is my Birthday so temptation is right around the corner.
This morning I was at 198 pounds – 25 pounds down and counting.

Two weekends ago - again another visit by an old friend from high school and a trip to Chino Latinos drinks, appetizers, and desert – I am sure that meal alone was 2500 calories.
Last week – a trip to the lovely Greenfield Iowa for three days. I have made an observation that most small towns are not big on including healthy choices at the only restaurant in town. I have noticed most small towns have a Subway – but convincing co-workers (who are eating out on their expense account) to eat at Subway is harder than loosing weight.
Last weekend – Gopher Football vs. NDSU. The stress of the Big 10’s Golden Gophers almost loosing to AA NDSU is enough to drive a man to drink and overeat.
But I am back on the strait and narrow now. Beth is working nights this week, so it is even easier to stay on course as there is very little temptation to go out to eat by myself with our little Alley. Then again this weekend is my Birthday so temptation is right around the corner.
This morning I was at 198 pounds – 25 pounds down and counting.

Saturday, October 14, 2006
200 Pounds
I have made it to another land mark in my weight loss. Today my pants feel loose – but it is not like those weight loss commercials where it looks like the pants are 10 sizes to big. I have found most days I can keep my eating in control, but the special events are hard to avoid. It seems like there is one a week. A birthday, baptism, old friend in town, you name it, always an excuse to overeat. Additionally, the holidays it appears have already hit Cardinal IG. We are starting to accumulate more and more food at the front desk.
I will add a 4 pearl of wisdom to my list of 3.
4. Tell everyone you know that you are trying to loose weight.
This week this was especially helpful for me. I coworker of mine convinced me that I did not need to eat the “Fun” size M&M’s that our enabling secretary had convinced me that I wanted. (Even though it had been nearly 3 months since I had candy from her bowl.) My coworker convinced me (and correctly so) that it was too easy to continue taking candy if I started with one “Fun” size candy bar. So I didn’t. Not to mention since weight is such a touchy subject, people are more likely to comment that you look like you have lost weight - if you have told them you are trying.
I will add a 4 pearl of wisdom to my list of 3.
4. Tell everyone you know that you are trying to loose weight.
This week this was especially helpful for me. I coworker of mine convinced me that I did not need to eat the “Fun” size M&M’s that our enabling secretary had convinced me that I wanted. (Even though it had been nearly 3 months since I had candy from her bowl.) My coworker convinced me (and correctly so) that it was too easy to continue taking candy if I started with one “Fun” size candy bar. So I didn’t. Not to mention since weight is such a touchy subject, people are more likely to comment that you look like you have lost weight - if you have told them you are trying.